Graduate Programs

Slavic Studies

The Department of Slavic Studies offers a comprehensive doctoral program specializing in Russian literature and culture, in modern Czech culture and in Polish literature and culture.

The Department of Slavic Studies offers a comprehensive doctoral program specializing in Russian literature and culture, in modern Czech culture and in Polish literature and culture.

The program has a strong interdisciplinary focus, and students are expected to work with departmental faculty as well as with faculty in related fields, such as comparative literature, theater, history, art history, modern culture, and media and political science. The program will train flexible and innovative scholars able to address varying teaching and research needs in the future job market. We particularly target advanced students who would come to Brown with a strong background in at least one of the program's key disciplines (literature, language, culture, theater, social sciences). Students receive close guidance and are mentored in the pedagogy of language and literature/culture teaching.

Additional Resources

Slavic library and reading room, commons room for lectures and presentations, audiovisual equipment.

Application Information

Application Requirements

GRE Subject:

Not Required

GRE General:

Not required

Writing Sample:

Required (in English – 12-15 pages)

Additional Requirements:

Advanced competence in Russian. Knowledge/interest in another Slavic language (preferably Czech or Polish) is encouraged but not required.


Application Deadline

Completion Requirements

Sixteen courses, including five graduate seminars, and two to four courses in a secondary field of study; theory and methods of foreign language teaching, reading knowledge of the second language related to the student's specialization; teaching; qualifying examinations; dissertation and defense.

Alumni Careers

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Department Chair
Svetlana Evdokimova
Director of Graduate Studies
Michal Oklot

Contact and Location

Department of Slavic Languages

Mailing Address

Brown University
Box E
Visit the Department of Slavic Languages
