The Neuroscience graduate program promotes interdisciplinary research that crosses traditional discipline and department boundaries, while at the same time providing a strong foundation in the core concepts of neuroscience.
The graduate program in Neuroscience provides an intensive, multidisciplinary education in neuroscience. Our core curriculum provides instruction about molecular, cellular, systems, cognitive, and translational neuroscience, and diseases of the nervous system. At all stages of instruction, we integrate skills that are essential for successful, independent research careers in neuroscience. Research in our program encompasses genes, molecules, cells, networks, systems, and behavior. A wide variety of experimental approaches are represented and used in our faculty trainers' laboratories.
All interested applicants should apply through the Apply link on the Graduate School website. Students receive their Ph.D.s after satisfying Program requirements and completing a significant body of original research.
The Neuroscience Graduate Program is also in partnership with the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Students in the NIH/GPP complete their first-year course work at Brown and then complete up to four years of thesis research at NIH. They receive their Ph.D.s from Brown.
Additional Resources
Faculty committees advise students throughout their studies. Core course work is taken in the first year of study, and additional specialized course work is available in the second year. Students also attend weekly journal clubs, research seminars, and skills workshops. Laboratory research involves diverse modern technologies, including structural NMR, genetic engineering, electrophysiology, molecular and cell biological methods, two photon microscopy, high–dimensional simultaneous microelectrode recording, behavioral neurophysiology, psychophysical and behavioral analyses, functional MRI, mathematical modeling and computer simulation of neural systems, and brain–machine interfaces.
Application Information
Application Requirements
GRE Subject:
Not required
GRE General:
Not required
Application Deadline
Completion Requirements
Proficiency in subject matter of core neuroscience courses, participation in weekly seminar series, comprehensive examination, preliminary examination, and dissertation.
Alumni Careers
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Contact and Location
Department of Neuroscience
Mailing Address
Box G-LN